Woodards launches industry-first Cadet program

Woodards has introduced a new Cadet program to provide dedicated training for beginners in the real estate industry.

The Announcement:

Woodards has launched its own Cadet program, designed to lift the calibre of sales agents by providing them with an in-depth education of the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in real estate sales.

Woodards CEO, Nigel O’Neil said the program was created to bridge the education gap for new agents entering the industry.

“Due to the nature of our industry, the irony is that the best placed trainer to teach new to industry sales agents are often too busy,” Mr O’Neil said.

“As a Director running an office and being a key listing agent of an office, it is not surprising that new sales agents are often neglected in being taught the foundational elements of becoming a successful agent.”

The Woodards Cadet Program includes a comprehensive Prospecting module, conducted two full days per week over an 8-week period.

It involves both theory and practical training to learn the skills and embed the habits required to effectively prospect for new business.

The program is trained by successful Listing Principals Matt Makin and Brad Best.

Bunie Carthew, one of the program’s first participants, believes that the program has accelerated his career by 2 years within the industry.

“I feel incredibly grateful that I was given the opportunity to join the program,” Mr Carthew said.

“Not only did the course give me an in-depth education, but it has also provided me with the confidence to cold call and build relationships with potential clients.

“I have already listed properties and am averaging 20 appraisals per week, with around 20% predicted to be on the market in the next 12 months.”

“To me this is a game changer and with the ‘end to end’ program run over 2 years, I look forward to monitoring the progress of Cadets such as Bunie as they acquire all the skills needed to become a highly successful sales agent,” Mr O’Neil said.

Woodards is now looking for the next round of cadets to join their team.

“If you are keen to accelerate your career in real estate sales, are motivated and want to create a better life for yourself, I know our program can help you do that,” Mr O’Neil said.

“You bring the passion, and we will equip you with all the skills you need to succeed.”

Source: Woodards

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