My Favorite YA Novel of 2024 Comes Out on Tuesday!

Have you ever wished you could change the world? Well…be careful what you wish for. For high school football superstar Cade Webster, all he wants is for people to stop acting so scared when they’re around him. But when he accidentally utters this wish aloud while visiting a mysterious pawn shop, strange things start happening all around him. Now, everywhere he goes, the people around him act oddly unafraid and even courageous.

At first, that doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. For instance, when Cade gets picked up by cops, they aren’t immediately wary of a tall Black kid walking around at night. In his neighborhood, his friends start to display ambitions of following their dreams and finding a better life for themselves. His family seems less afraid and more equipped to deal with his father’s cancer diagnosis. At school, the football team shows a real drive and fearlessness on the field that could have the power to win them games.

Sometimes, though, a little fear is a good thing. Soon Cade realizes that the people around him fear absolutely nothing, and this has frightening repercussions. With everyone around Cade displaying new levels of “courage,” people’s true impulses come out. The kids at his prestigious, mostly white school suddenly no longer fear what will happen to them if they’re outspoken about their racist feelings. A fight breaks out in the middle of one of Cade’s football games.

The violence only escalates from there.

What strange spell was cast when Cade made that wish in that pawn shop? What did he really buy when he gave the pawn shop teller $5 for a replica Super Bowl ring? What evil is behind these odd happenings? And most importantly, will Cade have the power to stop it before it’s too late?

One thing that always floors me about Lamar Giles’ books is just how authentic and well-drawn-out his characters are. From the moment you meet Cade on page one, you’ll be rooting for this kid, his family, and his friends. Giles is also a master of many genres. If you’ve read any of his books, you’ll know he’s tried his hand at contemporary fiction, thrillers, fantasy, horror, and more. Through every novel, Giles is able to explore social issues through a unique lens while also telling a story that feels personal. Yeah, I am saying this book made me cry.

Be sure to pick up Ruin Road this Tuesday. In the meantime, avoid strange pawn shops. Remember: if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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