It’s a Fact: Harcourts sells a property every 13 minutes

New residential real estate figures developed for the launch of its global facts campaign has solidified the strength of the brand despite varying property cycle dynamics experienced across the globe.

Using global data including sales, property management and NPS amongst a myriad of other key datapoints between January to December 2023, the numbers highlight the unparalleled strength of an international brand for people in real estate mode looking for real estate solutions.


  • Harcourts sells a property on average every 13 minutes!
  • Harcourts rents a property every 16 minutes!
  • Harcourts sellers gave Harcourts a Net Promotor Score of 85.6!
  • Since 1998, the Harcourts Foundation has raised over $8.4 million, and supported over 1340 charities!

These facts also reflect the focus the network has on growth, but equally, the strength of a clear vision, values and purpose can have on business performance in spite of external factors.

“Harcourts success is directly linked to empowering our people to help others achieve success, “explains Mike Green, Managing Director, Harcourts International.

“Which is clearly illustrated by these results shared today as part of the new International Facts campaign.”

 “There are many contributing factors to our market growth over the last 12 months,” points out Adrian Knowles, CEO Harcourts Australia.

“Significant growth is occurring where supply is low which is holding up the national average. As long as a property is presented and marketed correctly, they are still achieving a premium.”

While the real estate industry often points to sales or property management figures as the barometer of success, perhaps the most important fact is the contribution the network has made to communities globally, with more than $8.4M (almost $9M YTD) supporting over 1,340 charities through the Harcourts Foundation – a legacy that will have a profound impact for thousands for years to come, like that felt by the St Giles program.

“The Harcourts Foundation realises the difference a grant can make” commented Scott Gelston from St Giles whose program was a recent recipient of a Harcourts Foundation grant.

“Simply put, the investment into our St Giles Kitchen program ensures the program can continue to train and up skill young adults with a disability so that they too can make a meaningful contribution to society and thrive.”

The new International Facts campaign speaks for itself, but in a world of choice, Harcourts knows their clients need more.

“This factual information drawn from extensive data gathered over the last year, clearly demonstrating Harcourts achievements on the world stage. We are immensely proud of the non-fiction story that Harcourts International Facts tells,” continues Mr Green.

“These, coupled with the other fact that you can trust Harcourts every step of the way, means that whatever your hopes and dreams, we’re here to make them a reality.”

With 6,419 sales consultants, 897 offices and operating in 11 countries, Harcourts truly is a Global real estate leader. And that’s a Fact.

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