Cyantraniliprole, one of the active ingredients in Syngenta’s Mainspring Xtra, offers residual control of chewing, sucking, and soil-dwelling insects including mealybugs. | Syngenta
Producing healthy greenhouse plants starts with minimizing the threat of damage from insects and diseases. The good news is that pesticide and biological manufacturers are constantly developing new solutions for growers. Keep reading to learn more about some of the options to consider for 2025.
Syngenta Crop Protection
In 2024, Syngenta launched Mainspring Xtra insecticide, available for use in greenhouses, nurseries, and ornamental landscapes. Mainspring Xtra features two modes of action that deliver fast-acting control before pest populations build, combined with broader-spectrum, preventative insect maintenance. The active ingredient, thiamethoxam, provides fast knockdown of insects like whiteflies and leafminers, while cyantraniliprole offers residual control of chewing, sucking, and soil-dwelling insects including thrips and aphids, as well as extra protection against fungus gnats, mealybugs, and scale. Mainspring Xtra delivers the same amount of cyantraniliprole per ounce as Mainspring GNL.
In addition to the residual performance benefits of cyantraniliprole, growers can expect increased plant vigor with applications of Mainspring Xtra thanks to the “Thiamethoxam Vigor Effect.” Research shows that insecticides containing thiamethoxam not only lead to enhanced root mass when compared to untreated plants but also show improvements in overall plant quality by strengthening stems and producing greener plants.
Learn more at GreenCastOnline.com/MainspringXtra.
With a commitment to the constantly evolving needs of growers, Syngenta is expected to receive federal registration in 2025 for the active ingredient isocycloseram, a broad-spectrum insecticide to be marketed as Plinazolin technology. It is the first active ingredient for the ornamentals market in IRAC Group 30. Plinazolin technology will be launched to the ornamentals market as Vykenda insecticide. The mode of action acts through contact and ingestion to rapidly stop feeding and provide residual control of the most challenging insects, including mites, thrips, leafminers, flea beetles, and more.
This year, BASF focused on expanding key product labels to broaden the breadth of use for its customers. One example of this approach is Velifer Bioinsecticide/miticide, in which the company added dip-and-drench language to the label, making it even easier to use the product throughout the production cycle. Additional crops were also added to this label.
2025 is set to be an exciting year with a new addition to BASF’s fungicide portfolio: Pillar SC Intrinsic brand fungicide. The Intrinsic brand of fungicide products brings proven plant health benefits:
- Broad-spectrum disease control
- Increased growth efficiency
- Increased tolerance to stressors
Pillar SC Intrinsic brand fungicide will bring a new mode of action to the Intrinsic family at an economical price per application.
Envu U.S. Turf & Ornamentals has announced an exclusive portfolio expansion of its product lineup to include five new solutions specifically designed for nursery and greenhouse growers.
Starting in January 2025, Envu will add the following products to its lineup:
- Adept insect growth regulator: A well-known industry tool with effective control of fungus gnats, armyworms, and shoreflies. Adept is also effective on foliar-feeding pests found in ornamentals grown in greenhouses and shade houses as well as in interiorscapes.
- B-Nine plant growth regulator: A trusted and predictable plant growth regulator that reduces plant height and reduces internode length in ornamental plant material.
- Floramite miticide: Known for its effective control on a variety of mites and all life stages of spider mites while being a compatible tool with beneficial mites and complements most Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and resistance management programs.
- Shuttle miticide: A unique mode of action for control of two-spotted spider mites as well as other species of mites. An excellent tool for rotational programs to avoid mite resistance.
- Terrazole L fungicide and Terrazole 35WP fungicide: A unique fungicide for prevention and control of soil diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora. Terrazole can be used on ornamental and nursery plants as well as on tees and greens for golf course turf management.
This past year, Corteva Agriscience expanded its disease management portfolio with the introduction of Floxcor fungicide. Floxcor fungicide provides a broad spectrum of activity, controlling more than 20 ornamental diseases, including botrytis, anthracnose, powdery mildew, and cercospora leaf spot. The active ingredient, fluoxastrobin, is rapidly taken up by the plant and works through both xylem and translaminar movement, according to Dr. Jared Hoyle, U.S. Corteva Turf and Ornamental Market Development Specialist. The product results in exceptional efficacy, works to prevent new infections due to high stability within the plant, and is rainfast in 15 minutes after application. When used as a tank-mix or rotation partner with Eagle 20EW specialty fungicide, the combination enables operators to manage important nursery and ornamental diseases without the plant growth regulator effects of other fungicides. Greenhouse and nursery operators can contact their local Corteva Agriscience territory manager for more information.
Here’s an overview of the latest product introductions from Nufarm.
- Ensemble Fungicide: Pending EPA registration, Ensemble is a first-response, broad-spectrum protectant, and systemic fungicide for a variety of root, stem, and foliar diseases on a wide range of ornamental plants, deciduous and evergreen trees, and shrubs.
- Simpell Insecticide: Pending EPA registration, Simpell is an easy and effective broad-spectrum biological for nursery ornamentals and greenhouse vegetables that quickly stops thrips, spider mites, beetles, and other foliar pests with low toxicity risk for beneficial insects, non-target organisms, and the ecosystem.
- SureGuard EZ Herbicide: A new solution for 2024, SureGuard EZ delivers long-lasting pre-emerge and residual control of grass and broadleaf weeds for six months or more.
- SureGuard Xtra Herbicide: A more powerful dual-active knockdown solution for container and field-grown nurseries, one application of SureGuard Xtra provides up to eight months of residual pre-emerge control to help manage weed resistance.
Atticus LLC expanded its EcoCore Greenhouse and Nursery portfolio with the addition of three new products: Berati 10 XC, a plant growth regulator containing the active ingredient paclobutrazol, used in Piccolo 10 XC; Hexcel EW, an insecticide containing hexythiazox, the active ingredient used in Hexygon IQ; and Airaxo, an insecticide containing flonicamid, the active ingredient found in Aria.
- Berati 10 XC enables growers to optimize the growth of their ornamental plants through a potent and concentrated formula that is 10 times stronger than standard 0.4% formulations of paclobutrazol, providing greenhouse and nursery professionals the ease of compact and uniform growth.
- Hexcel EW provides reliable control of tetranychid spider mite species in ornamentals. It’s effective on eggs and immature life stages, rendering eggs that encounter treated surfaces unviable.
- Airaxo causes rapid secession of feeding by piercing-sucking insects, working through both contact and systemic activity, providing long-lasting residual control.
Gowan Co.
- EcoSwing Botanical Fungicide is a liquid botanical fungicide based on the extract of Swinglea glutinosa, which is effective on several important crop and ornamental diseases including powdery mildew, botrytis, rust, and others.
- M-Pede Insecticide/Miticide/Fungicide: Registered via 2(ee) for use as a pre-plant dip to control immature stages of mites and whitefly. More information can be found here.