I Researched The Pros & Cons Of Every Type Of Humidifier So You Don’t Have To

Everyone’s heard the old adage “throw money at the problem.” So what should you do when your kid’s all stuffed up… and dolla-dolla bills don’t do the trick? Seasoned parents will tell you the answer is simple: Buy a humidifier.

Experts are totally on board here: Chicago-area pediatrician Dr. Andy Bernstein, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommends humidifiers for “pretty much everyone” who lives in a cold winter climate where heat is used.

That’s because weather and the many measures we use to control indoor temps — like the forced air heating systems that are most common in the United States — can affect air moisture levels in homes without central humidification. And while you might not measure this on the regular, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says anywhere between 30% and 50% air humidity is ideal for indoor spaces.

Why? Humidity helps maintain the integrity of the nasal canal and reduces irritation therein. It also thins the mucus that lines nasal passageways — a good thing since thick mucus can contribute to congestion, coughing, and indigestion when swallowed, Bernstein warns. He says this is especially problematic for infants and toddlers still working on the whole nose-blowing thing, and for humans of all ages when a respiratory infection is thrown into the mix. Bonus: Replenishing your air’s humidity *might* also help with itchy eyes, bloody noses, and dry skin, although the proof here is mostly anecdotal.

To help prevent issues in any of the aforementioned departments, Bernstein says to run your humidifier whenever practical — with nighttime being especially helpful for congested kids since mucus can pool, dry up, and become extra irritating at night in the absence of moving, talking, and eating, he says. OK, doc, we’re sold! But WTF, dare any shopper ask, is the difference between cool mist and warm mist, and ultrasonic vs. impeller? Read on.

First Things First

While these god-sent moisture-distributing devices can be super helpful, navigating the dearth of options on the market begins with understanding what you’re getting yourself into: No matter which model you go with, expect upkeep to be a real pain in the butt for the following reasons.

All humidifiers need to be cleaned regularly. Because they involve standing water, they need to be scoured at least every third day, according to the EPA. That means you must unplug, empty the tank, and use a brush or scrubber to remove any film, then wipe dry — kind of like the high-maintenance skincare routine you probably should be doing but absolutely don’t have the time for.

Failure to clean your humidifier with rigor and regularity could result in the distribution of bacteria, fungi, or other allergens that can worsen asthma or allergies, and even contribute to flu-like symptoms (AKA do more harm than good, the MayoClinic warns).

They can lead to mold and mildew. Even if you keep your device spick-and-span, it could contribute to an overly humid environment that promotes mold and mildew growth elsewhere — not a great situation. (If you’re not sitting around with a hygrometer waiting for the other shoe to drop, just “boost the humidity in your home as much as you can without getting condensation on the windows and walls,” says Bernstein.)

They do best with bottled water. While some models come with filters, most experts agree your humidifier should be drinking fancier water than you do: Distilled or demineralized FTW. That’s because tap water contains minerals contributing to crusty deposits that breed microorganisms you don’t want to inhale. What’s more, those same minerals — also known as “white dust” when it settles on surfaces — could end up floating around the room. The health effects of inhalation aren’t fully known, according to the EPA.

Pros and Cons of Every Option

There are roughly a bazillion different options in the humidifier market. While it’s easy to get caught up on considering water cavity size and features like automatic shut-off, dimmable LED lights, fan volume, filter cost, and of course, price, the smartest way to approach this shopping experience is to consider cool vs. warm mist, and how water is distributed, which comes along with various pros and cons.

Cool Mist

Ultrasonic humidifiers use sound waves to quietly release cool mist. Because this process can distribute microorganisms and minerals into the air, you need to purchase demineralized/distilled water — no tap, for reals. Be warned that many models can oversaturate a room, so you need a ~smart~ one that keeps tabs on humidity levels.

Impeller humidifiers use a rotating disk to dispense a cool mist. These can also disperse microorganisms and minerals (and are prone to crusty build-up), so distilled water and regular cleaning are essential. Some complain that impeller humidifiers are louder than ultrasonic, so while they’re safe for kids, they’re not always ideal for light sleepers.

Evaporators use a fan (sometimes a loud one) to blow air through a wet wick and distribute a cool mist whenever surrounding air is in need. The wick traps minerals and other impurities in water — no white dust here! — but it can become moldy and requires regular replacement every month or so, depending on the frequency of use. Distilled water is still ideal here. Luckily, there is no chance an evaporator will make a room too moist since… that’s not how evaporation works!

Warm Mist

Steam vaporizers use electricity to boil water (cue loud gurgling) and generate steam, leaving water minerals behind. Although it feels pretty nice to bask in warm steam in the winter, and these models are less likely to make your air gross since they basically sanitize the water and leave minerals behind, boiling water in an unattended child’s room could be disastrous for obvious reasons, and is not recommended by Bernstein — or anyone, really.

TD;DR: Just tell me what to buy!

If you struggle to wash your hair more than, like, twice a week and honestly can’t be trusted to keep yet another thing clean, maybe don’t invest in a humidifier. Otherwise, a great one can magically resolve a whole bunch of respiratory and skin issues, so choose an ultrasonic cool mist option that measures air humidity and sidesteps the unnecessary noise and burn risks of other alternatives. Then stick with distilled water, and use it as much as your bottled water budget and cleaning calendar can stomach.

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