A Drop of Venom by Sajni Patel
If you’re looking for a feminist retelling of Medusa steeped in Indian mythology, welcome to A Drop of Venom.
Manisha has been running from monsters her whole life. She is part of the naga, a regularly-targeted group by the kingdom. She might be a priestess of the floating temples now, but that doesn’t keep the monsters at bay.
Pratyush, on the other hand, is a monster slayer. He’s the King’s prized possession. Every time Pratyush slays a monster, he gets another year added to his life. It should be a sweet gig, but Pratyush is so sick of being directed by the King.
When Manisha and Pratyush meet, the two see that it is possible to help one another chart a whole new course. Unfortunately, that won’t be easy—nor will it happen in any immediate future. Manish is sexually assaulted by a visitor and falls into a pit of vipers, while Pratyush is sent on yet another dangerous mission from the King. It’s one that, if Pratyush is successful, will grant him his freedom but it’s also as likely to kill him in the process.
Manisha isn’t dead though. She rises from the pit stronger than ever. As it turns out, she is the monster whom Pratyush has been sent to take down.