Horticulture Degree Programs See Highest Enrollment in a Decade

Graduate students tend poinsettias in CSU's Horticultural Center

Graduate students tend poinsettias in CSU’s Horticultural Center | California State University

New research reveals a resurgence in horticulture degree enrollments across the nation, with bachelor’s programs reaching a 10-year high in 2021. Nearly half (47%) of universities surveyed in 2024 reported increased enrollment over the past five years. Two-year horticulture programs, which had faced a long period of decline, have also seen an uptick, particularly following the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study’s co-author John Dole, Associate Dean and Director of Academic Programs at North Carolina State University, notes, “It’s important to recognize that the rise in student numbers began before the pandemic, which further amplified interest in horticulture.”

Co-author Melinda Knuth, Assistant Professor of Horticulture Science at NC State, adds, “Looking at historical data helps us strategize for the future. The steady rise in female and Hispanic students over the last decade is promising, and as we move forward, it’s crucial to assess how well we are meeting the diverse needs of all students.”

Jazmin Albarran, Director of Seed Your Future, shared her enthusiasm about the growing interest in horticultural careers. Since its founding in 2014, the organization has been committed to raising awareness and inspiring the next generation of horticulture professionals. Albarran emphasized the need for continued industry engagement to sustain this momentum, noting that Seed Your Future has developed several initiatives aimed at reaching even more students.

The study also highlights an encouraging trend at four-year universities: more students are entering horticulture programs directly from high school rather than transferring in, signaling a deeper interest in the field among younger students.

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Colleges and universities are responding to industry demands by expanding their offerings. For example, Oregon State University’s Ecampus horticulture degree and Colorado State University’s online Horticultural Business program cater to the needs of today’s students. Unsurprisingly, many institutions have introduced courses focused on cannabis and hemp cultivation.

Among bachelor’s degree programs, Colorado State University leads the nation in horticulture enrollment, followed by Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Oregon State University, Texas Tech, and Washington State University. For associate degrees, Pennsylvania State University had the highest enrollment in 2021, with Michigan State, NC State, Ohio State, and the University of Massachusetts rounding out the top five. Regionally, the West boasted the highest number of horticulture students, followed by the South, Midwest, and Northeast.

For more detailed insights, visit the Enrollment Survey and Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS) reports online. The studies were conducted by NC State in collaboration with Seed Your Future.

Read the full College and University Enrollment Survey Report 2024 here.

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