Mom Shocked To Learn Son Watched "Skibbidi Toilet" In Preschool Class

If you’re the parent of a tween or teen (or even any school-aged kid), you’re probably familiar with the cultural phenomenon known as “Skibidi Toilet.”

Skibidi Toilet is an animated video series created by Georgian animator Alexey Gerasimov. The plot of these videos generally depicts “Skibidi Toilets” — mobile toilets with creepy AF human heads popping out of their bowls — are at war with humanoids that have speakers, cameras, and TVs for heads.

The first Skibidi Toilet video has more than 164 million views. So yes, it’s a thing and very popular, but, there would be absolutely no reason for kids as young as preschool age to be in on the meme, right?

For one mom, that wasn’t the case.

Brianna Bado asked her TikTok followers if she was overreacting after her son came home, explaining that he had watched videos at school including the infamous “Skibidi Toilet.”

“He started mentioning that he was watching videos on his teacher’s phone, and I just assumed it was like educational videos He mentioned like a gummy bear song. I’m like, okay. They’re probably just like listening to music on there or like dancing. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but then last week when I picked him up. He mentioned something about a spooky zombie in a toilet. I’m just like, Okay, that’s kind of weird.”

“He didn’t really bring it up again until recently. I was talking about it more and he’s saying ‘skibidi toilet,’ and I’ve heard a little bit about it online I looked it up, and it is really not appropriate at all and I’m so concerned as to how he’s watching that at preschool.”

Bado goes on to explain that she messaged the school to see why her son would have ever been exposed to that kind of video content, especially at school.

“They mentioned that they use tablets during circle time to do educational songs and dances which I wasn’t even aware of anyway I thought when I’m sending my kid to preschool. I’m paying for somebody to watch him and engage with him and not use screen time… so that already was irritating to me that I’m learning it’s a daily occurrence now that they do screen time,” she explained.

Needless to say, after the school could not come up with any sort of detailed explanation. Bado pulled her son from the school.

After her video gained traction, other moms were in shock that her son was having screentime at a preschool without any parental knowledge or consent.

“Why do they need tablets at preschool?? Heck no lol” one user wrote.

The OP replied, “She was making it sound like there’s maybe one tablet per class for the teacher to play videos on, so I’m thinking at least they didn’t have their own tablets. But still screen usage for a part time preschool program seems very lazy to me 😬”

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