'I Am Head Over Heels In Love With My BFF'

In some parts of the country, summer vacation has only just started; in others, back-to-school is already on the horizon. This week in the Scary Mommy Confessional, parents are sounding off about both topics. So if you’re struggling to keep kids busy all day in the heat, regretting that trip to see your in-laws, or dreading the homework, viruses, and morning routine struggles that come with a new school year, well, you’ll find your people here. Of course, there are confessions on other topics, too — like secret crushes, messy houses, general exhaustion, and more. Read on for the full roundup.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.

I’m watching my husband wreck the clean house I work hard for while i’m post surgery

Confessional #61728177

I’m so mad at my in-laws for assuming we are rich and will take care of the whole family

Confessional #61728819

My DH gets Covid after every vacay. I get stuck with the kids while he gets to quarantine

Confessional #61728991

Summer with little kids is awful! Heat/sun/filthy everyday.Ready for fall!!!

Confessional #65517289

I am exhausted! Where the f*** is my village

Confessional #61728188

I’m over summer with my kids

Confessional #61728990

I feel like moms by the ocean have easier parenting, they are so lucky to have the ocean

Confessional #66172810

I’m dreading back to school and the early mornings and all the viruses

Confessional #61739009

Headed to vacation with my family and mom… getting ready for the sh*tshow

Confessional #61753891

Don’t want to be on holiday in my mother in law’s house. I want to be in MY home with my husband.

Confessional #61528109

I don’t want my kids to go back to school. I hate the morning rush and homework

Confessional #61098290

I feel guilty that I am too tired/pregnant to play with my 2 year old

Confessional #61728791

i truly believe that school should be year-round. I’m not made to be home with my kid all summer.

Confessional #61728189

Not ready for summer to end!

Confessional #61526617

i am head over heels in love with my BFF. but I’m married to someone else.

Confessional #61829812

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