Why Do Cats Make Biscuits? A Vet Explains This Cute, Quirky Behavior

One of my favorite moments of the day is when my cat, Olive, jumps on my lap and starts kneading away, making biscuits on my lap. Cats do a lot of weird yet cute stuff, like hiding in boxes or running away from the vacuum, but nothing beats watching a cat make biscuits. Just type that into any social media platform — Instagram, TikTok, YouTube — and you’ll be sure to fall in love watching the rhythmic motion of their little paws going to town on a blanket, their owner’s lap, or even another cat.

So, what does it mean when a cat makes biscuits anyway? Essentially, it describes the action when cats knead on any soft surface, pressing their paws in and out, alternating from left to right, similar to how a baker kneads dough to make biscuits.

While most cats love to make biscuits, according to Dr. Abel Gonzalez, clinical director of pet telemedicine service Dutch.com, not all cats knead. It can depend on their upbringing and personality. Some cats may find other behaviors more comforting, so don’t worry if your kitty doesn’t do a lot of baking!

But if your cat has a penchant for kneading, and you’re curious why, Gonzalez explains this cute but inexplicable feline behavior.

Why do cat makes biscuits?

So, why do cats knead on people or objects? Here are some of the reasons, according to Gonzalez.

Comfort from Kittenhood

“Kneading is a behavior that starts in kittenhood when they knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow. It carries over into adulthood as a comforting behavior,” Gonzalez explains.

Marking their Territory

“Like headbutting, kneading helps spread their scent from the glands in their paws,” says Gonzalez.

Relaxation and Comfort

Just as their kneading is comfortable for us, cats often knead when feeling relaxed, safe, and content.

Preparing a Resting Spot

“In the wild, cats knead to create a soft, comfortable spot to sleep or give birth,” Gonzalez says. So, no wonder your feline friend passes out after making some biscuits. It tires them out!

As for any specific things that might trigger or inspire this behavior, Gonzalez says triggers can include:

  • Soft surfaces like blankets or your lap
  • Feeling safe and relaxed
  • During petting or when settling down for a nap

Is it ever a bad sign if your cat kneads?

Gonzalez says if your cat seems overly anxious while kneading or if the kneading is accompanied by vocalized or aggressive behavior, it could indicate stress.

If this is the case, Gonzalez recommends the following to help your cat if they are having some emotional issues:

  • Provide safe spaces and comfort items like soft blankets.
  • Engage in regular play to help them relax.
  • Maintain a consistent routine to reduce stress.
  • Use calming aids such as pheromone diffusers.

For the most part, though, there isn’t anything to worry about if your cat loves to make biscuits. Reassures Gonzalez, “Kneading is a natural and comforting behavior for cats. Encouraging this behavior in a safe and comforting way helps strengthen your bond and ensures your cat feels secure and loved.”

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