'I'm Freaking Terrified Of Menopause'

Scared of menopause? Scared of vomit? Scared of spending another 17 seconds with your family on the “relaxing” vacation you misguidedly planned earlier this year? Read on for confessions you’ll appreciate—plus submissions about dating, birth control, unpopular new step-parents, and more.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.

Separating from my husband; scared but so relieved to think about happier times ahead

Confessional #31829010

I want another baby but my husband doesn’t and it’s all I think about.

Confessional #31827182

I’m terrified of vomit. Why do kids have so many stomach bugs. The worst.

Confessional #31827192

My kid is a freaking jerk and I don’t know what to do to fix it

Confessional #31920992

I finally became an MD! With 2 kids!

Confessional #33102938

I think I’m asexual and I’m worried about how that will affect my marriage

Confessional #31728191

I don’t want to be on a family vacation anymore. It’s miserable.

Confessional #31928810

I am so glad my daughter decided to quit dance and I could tell her teacher how I felt.

Confessional #33109283

I don’t want a divorce but I don’t want to live with my husband anymore.

Confessional #31192873

My husband is an amazing father, but a terrible husband

Confessional #39102993

I’m tired of being the only one responsible for our families birth control. Men suck

Confessional #37188276

Being a bipolar mom is the hardest thing I’ve ever done

Confessional #31271661

I hate my mom’s new husband.

Confessional #31001928

I’m freaking terrified of menopause- hate feeling like crap, hate uncertainty!

Confessional #31728192

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