
25 Elaborate Tablescape Ideas Straight From the AD Archive


Are you currently in search of a cornucopia full of tablescape ideas? So are we. Whether you’re decorating for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Hanukkah, or just wanting to jazz up a dinner party outside of the holidays, a well-thought-out tablescape can add texture to your guests’ dining experience, riff off the flavors that you’re presenting with your meal, and make for a memorable evening. It certainly doesn’t hurt that your photos of the occasion will be all the more lively for it!

To help get your brainstorming process going, we took a dip into AD’s own 100-year archive to cull a litany of standout tablescape ideas. Below are 25 of the best and most varied finds that couldn’t help but catch our eyes.

They include tablescapes in homes decorated by legends such as Mario Buatta and Bunny Williams. In the January 2020 article in which Williams’s own florid plate-appointed vignette appeared, she made this observation: “Decorating a room is like making a great salad. You want interesting ingredients.” Wise words, certainly, and ones that could just as easily apply to tablescapes. After all, they are the canvases on which jaunty stemware, memorable linens, and striking floral arrangements come together in a concert all their own.

Contained here are also snapshots from the homes of Anjelica Huston, Mariah Carey, and fashion designer Arnold Scaasi. The tablescapes found in their personal residences, spanning from California to New York, are studies in contrast. But then again, that could be said of each and every mise en place seen below, too.

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Blue and yellow shine in the home of one hairstylist in upstate New York’s Hudson Valley.

tablescape ideas

Architectural Digest, April 2004

Photo: John Hall


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